I've taken a liking to vintage clocks, so much so I've decided to collect them as availability and money allow. There are many striking clock designs from the 50's and 60's, and I'm interested in all of them!
This first clock in my "collection" is a "sunburst" clock made by Welby, which I believe might be German? The clock is beautiful, with brass and walnut rays. The clock does not currently work, though it is battery-operated and therefore should be an east fix. This clock was purchased on the Goodwill auction site, I think I paid around $30 for it.
This clock is my personal treasure! It is a vintage Linden clock with a walnut or teak face, a brass pendulum, and porcelain ring. It has, for lack of a better description, a "cuckoo clock movement" (and in my defense, Linden is famous for making Black Forest cuckoo clocks, from what I can tell). Which is to say it works by moving the weights up an down. The clock at this time does not stay running, and I'm sure it needs servicing. I will wait until after our move to have it adjusted, though, because I'm sure the move will knock it out of whack again. This clock I paid a bit more for, in the $60 range, but it is so gorgeous I couldn't pass it up! It also has chimes, which I'm anxious to hear!
This clock I happened to find at an indoor flea market-type place here in Colorado. It was leaning against a pile of old pictures sitting on the floor and quite dusty. It caught my eye as I browsed because of it unique shape and unmistakable retro look. It was made by Sunbeam, a general small appliance company. The unique thing about this clock is that you can display it either horizontally or vertically, and there are instructions on the back just how to do it. I chose to hang it vertically, because that was the space I had. I love the hour hand's "Jetson" look to it! This clock runs on a AA battery, though it eventually becomes 5 minutes behind. May just need an adjustment? This clock is approx. 24" long. I paid $10 for it.
Friday, July 17, 2009
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Thats pretty cool. I'll have to post some of my stuff on my blog. I love midcentury items... I collect StarGlow dinnerware by Royal China. I have lots of vintage barware items and a coffee table set...plus my fav, a vintage bar! I balance the old pieces with stuff from Ikea, since it has the whole scandinavian thing going. Its great to see someone else loves the era and its offerings!